Engineered Sea Wall Extension System
Our proprietary patent-pending technology mitigates the effects of climate change by extending the height of sea walls with a precast concrete capping system. Each engineered Sea Wall extension system is custom designed for a 100-year lifespan and installs on top of the existing sea wall. No need to demolish the wall and rebuild, saving time and money! Designs are available for public, commercial and private sea walls. Download Sea Wall Extension Details or contact us today for more information.
Sea Wall Extension Details
Benefits of the Sea Wall Extension System
- Increase the top elevation of existing sea wall to +6.0’ with the use of precast concrete
- Precast concrete is manufactured in a controlled environment ahead of time
- Precast concrete is a green product with a 100 year lifespan
- No need to disturb any sea life, grass on the outside of existing sea wall
- Installs on to existing sea wall cap
- Increases the lifespan of existing sea wall
- No need to replace existing sea wall
- Increases overall strength of existing cap
- Increases overall stability of the entire sea wall
- A concept that saves sea wall that are less than 40 years old.
Installation With Ease
- No barge or crane needed
- Can be installed using small size equipment that fits into most small areas.
- No need to disturb any sea life or grass outside during installation
- No need to dig out behind the existing sea wall
- Tie back system doesn’t require digging up behind the sea Wall
- Easy and quick installation